Autovent Cooler @ Walter Drake online store Online shopping mall


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Autovent Cooler

Never again enter a blistering hot car. Solar powered Autovent Turbo exchanges the stuffy, hot air in your vehicle for fresh outdoor air. Place vent on top of window, roll up, and lock your car. Ingeniously uses sunlight, not batteries, to maintain a comfortable temperature level. Polypropylene unit is 15x4x8".
SKU: 1004303
Category: Outdoor & Garden For The Car

Touch Dimmer Plug In

Touch and Glow plug-in control provides 3-way lighting with a simple 1-2-3 touch! Touch metal once for night-light radiance, two taps for medium light, three for bright light and four to turn off light. Works with lamps having metal components. UL listed.
SKU: 1006013
Category: At Home Household Items

Sluggo 1 lb

Slugs aren't a problem anymore with safe, organic Sluggo(R) slug and snail eliminator! Sluggo(R) organic pellets eliminate slimy slugs and snails before they indulge on berries, flowers and vegetables. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon per square yard. Slugs ingest iron phosphate pellets and expire in 3-6 days. Effective for 2 full weeks, even after rain or watering! Safe around plants, pets and wildlife; 1 lb. treats 1,000 sq. ft.
SKU: 1010432

Cold & Hot Gel Pack

Flexible pack conforms to body for on-the-spot relief! Freeze as a cold pack to reduce swelling from sprains, strains and overexertion. Heat in microwave or hot water to ease sinuses, arthritic pains and aches. 4 1/2x10 1/2".
SKU: 1001682
Category: Sale

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