Mesh Replacement Window @ JC Whitney Auto Parts store
Mesh Replacement Window
MESH REPLACEMENT WINDOW KIT Allows flow-through ventilation while you remain protected from the sun's rays and annoying insects Durable, waterproof color-matched windows zip in easily Kit replaces both rear side windows and rear window curtains and include color-matched fabric surrounds You'll be glad you have these windows during your hot-weather adventuring! They make the interior more livable when traveling, keep vehicle cooler when parked and keep pets from overheating on long trips. Fits only Bestop� Replace-A-Top�; will not match factory-original soft top. Applications:1987-1995 Jeep Wrangler YJ (with Bestop Replace-a-Top Models 51119; 51120; 51123),1987-1995 Jeep Wrangler YJ (with Bestop Replace-a-Top Models 51119; 51120; 51123),1987-1995 Jeep Wrangler YJ (with Bestop Replace-a-Top Models 51119; 51120; 51123) SKU: 47ZX4746R
Mini Vacuum Pump
MINI VACUUM PUMP Smaller and lighter than conventional electric or air-powered vacuum pumps. Removes moisture from air conditioning system before adding refrigerant. Rugged metal housing. Completely maintenance-free: venturi-type pump has no moving parts, needs no oil. Requires 4.5-cfm/90-psi air supply. Rated 1.3 cfm. 5"W x 5-3/8"H x 6"D, 4.1 lbs. Produces 29.75" Hg vacuum. Includes instructions. Applications: All Makes All Models SKU: 12ZX6696N
Outside Mirrors
OUTSIDE MIRRORS Keep you street legal even with your Jeep�'s doors removed! Show-quality, corrosion-resistant stainless steel/aircraft-grade billet 6061 aluminum construction Remove instantly�with the twist of a knob Doors off to enjoy the open-air ride? You'll need an outside mirror�Federal laws require it! Limited one-year warranty. Applications:1976-2002 Jeep Wrangler YJ & TJ SKU: 48ZX7545A
Nut & Bolt Cover-Up Kits
NUT AND BOLT COVER-UP KIT Dazzling, chrome-plated, custom-styled cover-ups for dull or rusted nut and bolt heads! Cover all visible and apparent nut and bolt heads not originally factory chrome-plated For Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha models Chromed cover made of super-tough aerospace GFP� polymer to retain their showroom sparkle even after years of hard rides. Simply press on�multiple serrations grip full length of nut or bolt head. No adhesives. Remove with small screwdriver or knife. Please Note: Not for exhaust nuts and bolts or round hex-head bolts. Covers by size sold separately. Nut and Bolt Covers�by size. Order by wrench size. Applications:1997-2003 Honda Valkyrie GL1500 Interstate & Tour SKU: 01ZX2391P
Oil Filter Elements
OIL FILTER Replaces original filter perfectly Pleated paper element with metal top and bottom For motorcycles and ATVs Helps keep oil free of the contaminants that can reduce engine life and impair performance. Applications:1985-1988 Suzuki DR Models 600S & R;,1981-1983 Suzuki DR Models 500,1990-2000 Suzuki DR Models 650,1986-2000 Suzuki Savage LS650,1985 Suzuki SP Models 606,1981-1983 Suzuki SP Models 500 SKU: 01ZX2118X