Chilton's Total Care Manuals
CHILTON�S TOTAL CARE MANUALS Contains everything from easy parts replacements and routine upkeep to the most complicated overhauls and repairs Designed for Cars, Pickups, Vans, Mini Vans, Jeep� and SUVs, APVs Written to simplify the toughest procedures. Contain from 350 to 940 pages. No other reference book needed! COMPLETE coverage of tune-up specs, emission controls, electronic engine controls, vacuum system and more. Covers ALL MODELS of the vehicles listed, including 2WD and 4WD, gas and diesel engines, cars and station wagons, with actual wiring diagrams, not just representative diagrams. Comprehensive troubleshooting, maintenance and tool sections. Hundreds of diagrams and illustrations. Check all listings for your vehicle. Choose from a vast assortment of cars, pickups, vans, mini vans, Jeeps� and SUVs. Applications:1984-1996 Chevrolet Corvette SKU: 81ZX7503Y