Lite Flite
Remember Eilonwy and her magic golden bauble? Have you ever wanted to possess a floating shimmering ball of your very own? Now you can, thanks to Lite Flite - you can reach into your pocket and produce a small illuminated ball, and, with a word of command, send it floating into the air. You can spin the ball like a miniature world as it floats in the airy air, you can float it, like a shooting star, from one hand to the other. You can wave your hands round and round it, proving there are no strings attached; and then, the grand finale, you can float the ball up to your pocket, open your pocket, and - plop! - order the ball to go back inside. We can describe it all day, of course, but you'll really have to see it to believe it; an absolutely enchanting trick. Instructions included. SKU: LT-MP-0001 Category: Magic