Log Periodic Yagi Antenna (Special Deal)
Log Periodic Yagi AntennaThis small log periodic yagi (We call it the LOGI!) is ideal for getting the maximum performance out of any UHF to low frequency microwave wireless system. The directional property "compresses" the signal into a powerful beam that is 4 times more powerful in the desired direction. It is the ideal antenna for scanners, wireless LAN's, (Compare the price of this antenna to what your WAP manufacturer charges for an similar antenna!) and other wireless devices. Its directional properties make it exceptional well suited for point to point links. Constructed on rugged FR-4 material, it requires no tuning and has no fragile antenna elements to break or twist! Covers the entire 900 to over 2,500 MHz frequency range! Its small size and wide bandwidth also make it ideal for feeding reflector antennas, such as the easily constructed corner reflector grid which we discuss in the manual. SKU: R-LPY2 Category: Transmitters