GWS PT-17 Stearman ARF Park Flyer @ Hobbytron Electronic Toys store
GWS PT-17 Stearman ARF Park Flyer
What better way to spend an afternoon at the park than cruising low and slow with a small-scale Stearman? This wonderfully rendered GWS park flyer comes with injection molded wing and fuselage parts prepainted in a classic blue and yellow scheme. An EPS350C power system (370 motor w/gear reduction) and dummy radial engine are also part of the package. Assembly takes only a few hours, thanks to excellent parts fit and the availability of ready-made GWS flight packs (sold separately). SKU: HZ-GWS1105 Category: Remote Control Toys
Tickle Stick Kit (Special Deal)
For those nosey friends or pets! SKU: R-TS-4 Category: Transmitters
This is a 1/4 Oz. Bottle of Zap CA Glue from Pacer. SKU: GP-PAAR2001 Category: Remote Control Toys
Variable Strobe Light Kit
This excellent Strobe Light produces a very high intensity, white light for short durations. The speed of the flash rate can be varied from one or two per second to twelve or more per second. It comes with a quality 5-watt flashtube which can be used for many hours, even with continous use. This strobe can be converted to manual operation for use with camera equipment. It has many safety and special effects applications. Use it for 'stop motion effect' like old-time movies, etc. Easy to build and maintain. Comes with complete instructions, theory and schematic. SKU: 9940 Category: Electronics
Traxxas Stampede Suspension arms, (rear) (2) 2555
Suspension arms, (rear) (2) SKU: T-TRX2555 Category: Remote Control Toys
PT-60 Trainer Kit
The PT-60 brings the Perfect Trainer's famous International Model of the Year award-winning stability, self-righting flight characteristics and easy kit assembly to a bigger, more impressive size. This great-looking kit also features "Interlocking I-Beam" wing construction for easier assembly and increased strength, a high degree of washout built into each wing for added stability, and advanced CAD engineering SKU: GP-GPMA0119 Category: Remote Control Toys
12 White Mini RC Boats (49Mhz)
Race your mini speed boat around in the water. * Recharges in 45 seconds!* 5 Minute Run Time! SKU: JPR86450-12 Category: Remote Control Toys
Ultimate Biplane .40 Size Kit
Now getting your hands on an aerobatic Ultimate Bipe is easier than ever before, thanks to the Great Planes Ultimate 40 Bipe kit! We've scaled down this frisky sport plane into a popular .40 size that makes it more affordable, without compromising style and performance. This model will really bring out the "hot dogger" in you, while providing the ultimate in flying enjoyment! SKU: GP-GPMA0240 Category: Remote Control Toys