Race Car Fuse Block 12 Circuit @ The Eastwood Company

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Race Car Fuse Block 12 Circuit

RACE CAR FUSE BLOCK 12 CIRCUIT #50101 - A racing version of item no. 60088 fuse block designed with all the circuits to make your race car street legal. Just terminate your circuit wire and attach it to the fuse block. Prewired & labeled for the following circuits: electric fuel pump, instruments, elec. water pump, radio, electric fan, brake lights, wipers, headlights, turn signals, emergency flashers, horn, coil, dome light. Kit includes: 10-gauge power lead, mounting bracket, fuses, flashers, horn relay, terminals, fusible link, and instruc.
SKU: 60151
Category: Performance and Tune-Up Electrical & Diagnostic Auxilliary Fuse Boxes

Vinyl Coat Graphite Aerosol 13 oz

Renew or change the color of your vinyl upholstery and plastic surfaces - permanently. Flexible enough for seats, yet tough enough for vinyl tops. For optimum results and adhesion, use Plastic Prep and Sand Free-Kit on hard plastics, and Vinyl Prep on vinyl. Buy 3 or more and SAVE!
SKU: 52080 Z
Category: Styling-Care-& Custom Styling Custom Interior

2 1/16" 0E/90F Antq Beige fuel gauge blk needle(E)

Fuel Level (0 ohm empty/90 ohm full) For most GM vehicles from 1965 to present.
SKU: 74124
Category: Auto Accessories and Gifts

Pertronix 7mm Plug Wire Set Various GM/AMC Apps.

Pertronix Flame Thrower Performance Spark Plug Wires - These premium spark plug wires give you the ultimate in high performance with a classic black OEM look. These wires offer the following features: 2 current paths (spiral wound stainless steel and carbon impregnated fiberglass), low 500 ohms per foot, Silicone jackets to resist high temperatures, moisture, oil and chemicals, EPDM rubber inner insulation for superior heat resistance and prevent arcing and voltage leaks and Fiberglass reinforcing braid for strength and flexibility. Limited lifetime manufacturer's warranty. Made in the USA.
SKU: 70029
Category: Performance and Tune-Up Ignition Wire

3M Radial Bristle Brush 50 Grit

Stop Using Wire Brushes. Sick of discovering wire bristles in your favorite sweatshirt? Now there is a better, longer lasting, safer alternative. The 3-M Radial Bristle Brush is made from a plastic like material that's uniformly impregnated with abrasive. As the wheel wears, fresh abrasive is exposed to assure consistent cutting action. Includes push-out sleeve adapters to fit motor shafts from 1/2" to 1". Six inch diameter 8 ply wheel with 1/2" face Maximum RPM 10,000, Green (50 Grit). Great for removing rust and old finishes
SKU: 31176
Category: Rust Treatment Rust Removal Mechanical Rust Removal

Flapdisc Set Of 3 60Grit 5/8" Hole

Long-lasting zirconia abrasive discs take the place of resin fiber discs and grinding wheels. Help make weld joints almost undetectable and reduces need for final filler. Flap design runs cooler to reduce panel warping and won't gouge metal like ordinary grinding discs. Each flap disc will out last approximately 15 resin discs. Order 1-2 grits coarser than resin fiber discs. Use on your high-speed grinders.
SKU: 19061
Category: Metal Shop Fabrication Prep & Finishing

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