EW Dekote Paint Stripper 5 Gallon
Safer Stripper - Want to get away from Methylene Chloride and still remove tough urethane, epoxy and powder coatings? Then Eastwood DeKote is the answer. Available in aerosol, qt., gal, 5 and 55 gallon drums this paint remover will not harm steel, aluminum, pot metal die cast, fiberglass and SMC panels. The longer dwell time (30 minutes to 3 hours) means it doesn't work as fast as Methylene Chloride based strippers but it provides time for the remover to penetrate multiple coats. Available in quart,and gallon containers as well as 5 and 55 gallon drums for easy brush-on or dip application. SKU: 10412 Category: Specialty Coatings Painting Chemical Stripper