House Wren Birdhouse
With its 1" entrance hole, this house provides great protection for house wrens. Wrens are very protective, so position the nest box in less frequented areas or you might get a scolding from a disgruntled parent. RANGE: Breeds west across Canada to Washington and south to northern Georgia, Tennessee, northern Texas and southeastern Arizona. HABITAT: Likes residential areas, city parks, farmlands, woodland edges.12.5 inches high x 6 inches wide x 8.5 inches deep. We carry a nest box for every species of cavity-nesting bird in North America. Designed for each species by leading conservation experts, these products provide the correct dimensions, materials, ventilation and drainage. Each nest box is handcrafted in Maine from eastern white pine for durability, function, and aesthetics. Your order will include a brochure that describes the species this nest box attracts, and the placement and maintenance of this particular product. SKU: 995CS10046 Category: Birdhouses