Make-Your-Own Frames Kit @ AreYouGame online Store
Make-Your-Own Frames Kit
This darling craft kit provides a creative activity for children as well as a finished product they can proudly display and cherish. Great for play dates, it’s packed with over 500 decorative pop-out shapes in a variety of bright colors. Use the glue stick to affix the shapes onto the frames, and create your own personalized picture frame, then pop in a favorite photo or a card from the Make Your Own Card Kit. Trade them with friends, or give them as gifts for your family. It’s tons of creative fun for young ones! Comes with 10 frames in 3 sizes, and paper to create and frame your own art, 500 pop-out shapes, glue stick, and easy to follow instructions. For Ages 4 and Up. Manufacturer: Made By Hands SKU: MBHK002
Alchemist - Glow-in-the-Dark Puzzle
Smoke dragons and floating candles are only half of the magic of this puzzle by famed fantasy illustrator Myles Pinkney. Once completed, this puzzle comes alive by glowing in the dark! It’s an enchanting challenge in 550 pieces. Puzzle measures 18” x 24” when completed. Manufacturer: MasterPieces Puzzles SKU: MP60434
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Game
Make fun of your relationship! This game lets you and your loved one compete against other couples to see who’s more in touch with the opposite sex. Following the principles of Dr. John Gray’s best-selling books, the game asks you and your partner to match your answers to important questions like: My Favorite Kisses Are: a) eyes wide shut, b) wet and wild or c) tongue tied. Categories include In the Bedroom, In Love, In the Workplace and On a Date. More than a fun party game, it’s an opportunity to grow together. Comes with game board, die, four movers, 180 Mars and Venus Cards, 25 Mars and Venus Together Forever Cards, 20 Heart Cards, 20 Star Cards and 12 Voting Cards. For 2 to 4 adult couples in any stage of their relationship. Manufacturer: Endless Games SKU: EG140
Twister Jigsaw Puzzle
Elegant and yet playful, this 500-piece puzzle’s pod of dolphins is a delightful sight. Artist Royce B. McClure masterfully captures them in soft blue hues smattered with sparkling light. Dive in! Finished puzzle measures 18” x 24”. Manufacturer: Suns Out SKU: SO31032
Conscience Game
Teach your children well. In this game, players are encouraged to discuss topics that help them get ready for real life situations. As you move your KanGoRu token across the board, choose Conscience cards that discuss important topics such as self-control, peace, compassion, and prejudice. Players learn right from wrong as they race to collect matching cards from a specific category. Great for teachers and counselors to foster discussions such as: Why is it important to be a gracious winner?, Why would you never take something without Permission, and Why should you resist any desire and peer pressure to try smoking? There is even a special overlay card for parents to use at their discretion to discuss issues relating to sex. Game cards are separated for children ages 5-7 from those that cover more challenging objectives and issues. Includes 1 game board, 6 KanGoRu tokens, 1 die, 1 GoRu Says spinner, 35 Gold Stars, 16 Frowny Faces, separate Sex overlay, rules with playing tips, and 3 decks of cards (Conscience Check, Conscience Check Jr., and Right!). For 2 to 6 players. Manufacturer: Reveal Entertainment SKU: RECS-444
Alphabet Squiggle Game
As kids travel around the game board, they’ll land on letter spaces. Depending on their skill, they can either: trace the letter, write it themselves from memory, write a whole word that starts with that letter or use the letter to draw a picture. For example if the letter is F, they might write the letter F, they might write the word “frog” or they might even write the F and use it to make a picture of a flag. Great for vocabulary-building, drawing skills and more, it’s a game that truly grows with children. Game comes with game board, 4 sketch pads, 4 playing pieces, a die, 4 pencils and instructions. No reading required. For 2 to 4 players Manufacturer: RandomLine Inc. SKU: RL00002